Creating a domain name - Points to remember

When registering for a domain name, you must understand the requirements for the same. Yes, there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled to ensure that the domain registration for the said site gets done in a suitable way. Here are the areas to focus at:

  • · If you are picking a domain name primarily for a website or a web service, make sure the site is already ready and also available for reviewing purpose.  
  • · Next, you must keep in mind that in the process of figuring out a cheap domain Malaysia, you fail to adhere to the Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy. Also, make sure the name is not misleading by anyway. It should also not be too broad to create difficulty in spelling.  
  • · No matter what type of domain name you pick, make sure that it points right away from the domain service to the site’s URL. Make sure you work with the Domain Source that will help in pointing the domain directly to the specific URL for the site.
  • · The domain must be reviewed by the UIS and the Office of Communications. Whether you are opting for domain or something else, always keep in mind, if the domain name is required by some other department, then proper approval is needed by a suitable group.  
  • · When constructing domain names, make sure it features only letters or numbers. You must never include any kind of special characters. Also, if you are developing domain names for internal servers, the inclusion of hyphens (-) is permissible. However, it must be kept in mind that such a domain name cannot start or end with any hyphens.  

The above points are crucial part of the process; you need to make sure they are being followed in order to create a suitable domain name for your website. 


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