An In-depth look to Link building for SEO

Link quality plays a crucial role in search engine marketing. You cannot underestimate that. If you are thinking about your link building strategy for your SEO campaign, remember that you should target only those links, which will not only have a positive impact today, but actually will continue to keep an impression down the road to your project. Therefore, we need to consider the sun and rain of link analysis to know what defines a quality link. Relevance Relevance is the primary thing of any link-building project. If you are making irrelevant links for your website, it can have negative effects on your keyword ranking and might end up acquiring a manual penalty from Google. Google released Penguin algorithm to filter the out the relevant results and your website may not pass that filter. Although, there are other aspects that you have to analyze apart from Relevance, they are page level and domain level. Related page level and domain-to-domain relevance is...