An In-depth look to Link building for SEO

Link quality plays a crucial role in search engine marketing. You cannot underestimate that. If you are thinking about your link building strategy for your SEO campaign, remember that you should target only those links, which will not only have a positive impact today, but actually will continue to keep an impression down the road to your project.

Therefore, we need to consider the sun and rain of link analysis to know what defines a quality link.


Relevance is the primary thing of any link-building project. If you are making irrelevant links for your website, it can have negative effects on your keyword ranking and might end up acquiring a manual penalty from Google. Google released Penguin algorithm to filter the out the relevant results and your website may not pass that filter.

Although, there are other aspects that you have to analyze apart from Relevance, they are page level and domain level.

Related page level and domain-to-domain relevance is definitely the main goal, at the same time, missing any of these consequences will make links useless or worse.

Link Type
Link formation makes all the difference.
Link formation evaluation

Anchor Text Link: Clickable text link. These are the most typical way to improve search ranking for any particular search phrase; while, if you overly optimize your keyword your website might get a Penguin attack. You have to vary your keywords time to time.

• Naked URL: If you use website URL as a text link or use your URL as an anchor of your link then it is called naked URL. Obviously, there is no harm by linking in this way; however, the technique is not that beneficiary.

• Citation Link: Citation links are the summarized form of a naked URL, e.g., instead of It creates more value if your brand is the same as the citation link.

• Image Link: Image links are the hyperlinks to the images. That means   the image represents a website link and appears in search engines with alt attribute

• Short Link: Short Link or URL shortening is World Wide Web technique where a uniform resource locator is made short substantially but it still directs to other pages.

All the preceding link types has its pros and cons, with each relates to link quality. So now, we will go into the various ways of linking:

• Direct. A general linking method where hyperlinks directly connect to landing pages. Direct link give full link value.

• Redirect: This technique is applied when a single webpage has to be made available under two or more URLs.

• Site-wide. We often see these links on all the pages of a website. Though these can be present anywhere, we normally see them in the sidebar or the footer. These links are a way to attract traffic.

• JavaScript: JavaScript is a scripting computer programming language and JavaScript link is a short links page on this language

• No Follow: A value instructs the search engines that a hyperlink present in the website should not affect the target ranking of that link in the search engine index.

Natural linking is the greatest way by implementing all these link variety. Anchor text variety is also an essential factor. Creating keyword with Long tail keywords, partial brand names, combination of keywords adds more power to links

Link quality also depends on the website authority. You have to remember this criterion when building links for your website. However, it should go with link relevancy. Google page rank is a good indicator of website authority. However, Google update website page rank after a certain time. Therefore, you should not completely rely on page ranking in terms of website authority.
There are other metrics such as Citation, which is a good indicator for authority website. You will get free tools as Moz toolbar that will give you the data about number of backlinks to any particular site and the value those back links offers that site.

Alexa is also a very useful toolbar to check site's ranking.

However, authority is just a single thing among the various elements that figure a link quality. If you build links with relevant niche websites, then those links sometimes will give you more value than links from high authority websites.

You have to check the social engagement, traffic as the added element along with website domain and page authority. SEMRush offers helpful information about these types of data.

Link Placement

Link location is the next thing to consider in link building. There is certain place on a particular website that provides higher link than that links at other positions. A links within the content has the best value and then comes author bio box, sidebar and footer. However, link placement does not totally depend on you. Therefore contextual link building is the best to get the best out of them.

Setting it altogether
A comprehensive analysis of links will give you the opportunity to figure out the difference between good links and bad links.

The following points will help you to know about the aspects you have to consider for link evaluation.

If you are worried about a link, simply check:
·       Relevancy
·       Type of link
·       Domain and page authority
·       Link location
·       Smell Test

In conclusion, you will have a healthier knowledge of link significance, as well as a perception of the quality of the linking website.

You should only link those websites that add up to your website value. Good links consistently benefit your website infinitely and that should be the final goal for your Malaysia SEO service work.


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